Benefits of a Water Softener

Water Softeners
A water softener removes the high levels of minerals in your home’s water through an ion exchange. Typically, an excess of calcium and magnesium cause hard water, and a water softener filters these minerals out, and adds sodium or potassium into your home’s water supply to balance things out.

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A water softener removes the high levels of minerals in your home’s water through an ion exchange. Typically, an excess of calcium and magnesium cause hard water, and a water softener filters these minerals out, and adds sodium or potassium into your home’s water supply to balance things out. If you are unsure if your home has hard water, look for the following common signs, or purchase a hard water test.

Signs of Hard Water in Your Home:

  • Rust stains on plumbing fixtures, sinks, showers, and toilets
  • Water spots on dishes, glasses, and silverware
  • Lime buildup on plumbing fixtures such as showerheads and faucets
  • Dry hair and skin
  • A distinct taste and smell
  • Low water pressure
  • Frequent appliance breakdowns
  • Frequent clogs in your drains
  • Discoloration or increased fading of clothing

Installing a water softener in your home can help fight the harmful effects of hard water, and provides a variety of benefits. Here are some of benefits of installing a water softener in your home.

Saves You Money

The minerals from hard water can build up overtime in your pipes and cause large masses to clog your plumbing system. These masses can be extremely difficult and costly to remove. A water softener removes these minerals and can prevent buildup in your pipes. A water softener can also extend the lifetime of your appliances such as the dishwasher and washing machine, which will save you money in the long run.

Saves You Time

If you are living in a home with hard water, you know how annoying it is to clean the frequent residue or rust spots on your dishes, sinks, or plumbing fixtures. You are most likely re-washing dishes and spending extra time cleaning stains from hard water off the toilet or faucets. A water softener removes the minerals before they can build up on your dishes and plumbing fixtures, which will save you time cleaning!

Prevents Hair & Skin Damage

The minerals in hard water extremely dry out your skin and hair. Hard water also dulls your hairs color and causes it to feel dry and brittle. The minerals in hard water also prevent soap from lathering fully. A water softener will help prevent this damage from hard water to your skin and hair, and help you enjoy a cleaner shower.

If you live in a area of Utah that experiences hard water, give the plumbing experts at T.J. Huggard Plumbing a call to install a water softener in your home.